Hello, I'm Ana Bella from Brazil, My favorite hobby is making Youtube videos with my brother Nick, our purpose is to help Brazilian kids to learn English, eventhoug I'm not fluently in English yet, I teach what I already learned from my course. I am very grateful for my parents that tought me to celebrate every moment life gives us. I think all children should have opportunities to learn new things and develop themselves to be prepared for the future, because each child and teen have a unique set of talents and habilities that can spread and help others. I participated in an online English course for kids, in each class, after the teacher inteoduces the new topic my brother and I play with the cards os the game to show the kids how easy and fun can be learning another language. This couse is free for needy children and young people, I feel good that I am doing my pert to share it. I also like to watch TV series and dance, on my free time I enjoy reading and play the keyboard.
I have always wanted to be a superhero, and I believe this is a great opportunity for me because I can show to brazilian kids that the dreams come true, if you really believe and keep on doing the best you can to do improve yourself, but mostly don't forggeting your unique essence. I want celebrate this chance and inspire other kids to dream. Being part of this will increse the range of my English tips in Brazil and reach more children and teens, so they can learn a little bit more. If I can help to improve at least one life, I know It was worth.
I always want to share a message of encouragement, I believe that a person only starts living a real life when this person figures out the true identity. Imagine the power of a generation that knows this reality. kids and teens starting now making the difference all over the world, and It is possible if they just use the inner talent each one have.