Hi! My name is Skye-Daisy. In my image gallery you will see a few pictures of me and my boyfriend Hunter. He is the most important person in my life, I love him! ❤️ I have a dog named Finn and 6 horses. I love to horseback ride, do art, dance, watch movies, play video game with Hunter, go on walks/hikes, u love to rock climb really big mountains, and I love the play and watch football 🏈! Go Dallas Cowboys!!!!
I would love to be a fashion hero kid because, it would be so special for me to know I made a difference. That’s really important to me. And to know that people voted for me because of just me being myself is awesome. I want to make a difference when I grow older and this is a great first step! Please vote! 😘
The message I want to share to kids around the world is; Be you, do you, for you and no one else ❤️ And to not care about what other people think! Who cares if people think your wako and super crazy or weird, just be you. You can change the world y’all! ❤️