15 years old
About me!

Hi, My name is Chiemeziem Achunkie. I am 15 years old and I have a busty figure for my age, something that I’ve recognized can make me feel different from your peers. But instead of letting that make me feel insecure, I want to embrace it and use my voice to inspire other kids who may be feeling the same way. I care about promoting body positivity and making sure everyone knows it’s okay to look different, and I also recognize the importance of racial diversity. I am confident, compassionate, and eager to break stereotypes. And I encourage others to be proud of who they are, no matter their body type or race.

Why I’d make a great Fashion Hero Kid!

I am a 15-year-old who is very busty for someone my age. A lot of times, people my age who are busty—and who may also come from different racial backgrounds—feel different from others. I want to be on Fashion Hero Kid to show that it's okay to be busty at 15, to be proud of your race, and to embrace your body and shape. We are all unique, and that’s what makes us beautiful."

My message for kids around the world

To all the kids out there who feel different because of how their bodies look—remember that your uniqueness is your strength. Being busty or having any other body type doesn't make you any less beautiful. Embrace your shape, love yourself, and don’t let anyone tell you that you have to change to fit in. Confidence and a smile are the best things you can wear, and we all deserve to feel proud of who we are!"

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