Is Technology Going Too Far With This Computer-Generated Instagram Model?
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Is Technology Going Too Far With This Computer-Generated Instagram Model?

Meet Miquela Sousa, a ‘looks real but isn’t’ 19 year old American Brazilian Instagram influencer, musical artist, and internet phenomenon who lives in California. You can find her music singles on Spotify and iTunes, she appears to go to the most exclusive and coolest club in LA and is friends with famous (real) people. Nobody knows who created her or why. She has peaked the interest of many people but is technology going to far by creating this fake social media star?

She promotes brands (so is it just a marketing stunt?)

As mentioned before, she wears street style brands like Vans, Supreme, Coach, and other fashion brands that other Instagram Influencer boast. She’s ‘attended’ the Prada show in Milan, she ‘wears’ expensive brands, and she is one of celebrity makeup artist Pat McGrath's muses. Is she just a big marketing stunt so her followers buy the same clothes as her? Some think she is part of the new Sims game, other’s have no idea what she is suppose to represent.

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