IMG Worldwide's First-Ever Transgender Model: Hari Nef
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IMG Worldwide's First-Ever Transgender Model: Hari Nef

Meet the first-ever transgender model to sign a contract with the biggest modeling agency in the world: IMG Models. 

She started the transgender process in university, where she felt more comfortable being a woman and also started her modeling career then. She was always obsessed with fashion when she was younger, and she started modeling during her years at Columbia University, in New York City, where she studied Drama. She made her fashion week debut in 2014, at the Hood by Air fashion show also in New York City. After that, H&M booked her for Paris Fashion Week a few weeks later. After graduating in 2015, she was sent to Stockholm for the & Other Stories (the sister brand of the fashion giant H&M) transgender campaign. She modeled alongside Valentijn De Hingh, a Dutch transgender fashion model. This campaign was very special because the whole team behind the shoot was also transgender: Amos Mac shot the campaign, the fashion styling was done by Love Bailey and the makeup by Nina Poon.

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