Alex Minsky: A War Veteran Turned Model
Alex Minsky: A War Veteran Turned Model

Alex Minsky is not your average male model. He has gone through more than the average human usually goes through in a lifetime. His perseverance and incredible resilience shows nothing can slow him down.

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Nike Just Announced its Partnership With Callie Thrope, A Size 24 Model
Nike Just Announced its Partnership With Callie Thrope, A Size 24 Model

Working with Nike is one of the most prestigious jobs a model can get. Find out how plus size Welsh model, Callie Thorpe, beat her online trolls and now works with Nike to promote their plus size workout gear.

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IMG Worldwide's First-Ever Transgender Model: Hari Nef
IMG Worldwide's First-Ever Transgender Model: Hari Nef

Meet the first-ever transgender model to sign a contract with the biggest modeling agency in the world: IMG Models.

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Gina Rodriguez Fights for the Underrepresentation of Latinos in Hollywood
Gina Rodriguez Fights for the Underrepresentation of Latinos in Hollywood

It’s always inspiring when celebrities take the time to fight for causes that are very important to them. Gina Rodriguez is leading the way to fight against the underrepresentation of Latinos in Hollywood.

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Erika Linder: The Female/Male Model Chameleon
Erika Linder: The Female/Male Model Chameleon

Erika Linder is a model who models women’s and men’s clothing. Her androgynous looks have landed her big contracts and have put her on the map as one of the most gender-bending models of all time.

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